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Let Easter Awaken You

March 29, 2016

"Everything you have ever wanted, is sitting on the other side of fear..."

George Addair

As I nibbled on my seventh Lumpia,

I contemplated on my current state of euphoria,

How my experiences these past few days mattered,

My heart, now healed, could have been shattered.

I proceeded to make a note of #MyEasterStory,

But to the Most High I give the glory,

That after my whole being was shaken,

My soul is newly opened and awakened!

As I stared at my little one,

A fun Easter egg hunt, she had just done,

For a minute my home was United,

Oh how my full basket got me delighted.

No more will I lock myself to be safe from pain,

My self-honestly taught me how to live again,

Now the path before me is so clear,

Surrendering to love unlocked me my dear.

Because even when you feel it's too late,

There is but One whose power is so great,

That sheds all fear with a groovy kind of love,

That harmoniously lights up all your darkest caves, with helpers sent straight from above!

Now beyond that place I used to feel fear,

I now feel bliss I hope to share;

As impossible as this may sound,

It is from my aura it can be found...

How this has come to be, I am in absolute awe,

My spiritual awakening this Easter begun by answering that call.

It commences the minute you choose to be honest with yourself,

Surrender, to feel and then you will heal thyself.

No wall put up, can He not break,

I must say it is amazing to finally be awake!

written by Adesola Akindele

April 2016

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